
Recycled Cars

Recycled Cars

New car sales may be down, but that doesn’t mean that people are getting rid of their old vehicles once they stop working, rust out or go out of style. Here are some creative modes of transportation…

One Piano You Cannot Move

Check out this amazing piano-shaped building in Huainan, Anhui providence, China.

The building will serve as the local Urban Planning Exhibition Hall, not, surprisingly, as the world’s largest replica of the foot piano from Big.

And, like me, if you were wondering how to get inside the piano building, just go through the giant glass-walled violin on the other side.

As Still As Furniture

David Blázquez adds a new twist to the art of interior design. His photography exhibit called “human furniture” is on display at El Fotomata in Sevilla, Spain. By using naked men as furniture, he questions whether or not humans could, in fact, be inanimate. This exhibit also poses the idea of what it’s like to feel like you’re being watched. Both question the purpose and portrayal of human interaction. How often do you feel like you’re being watched or molded into something that you don’t like?

The View from Above

Inspired by a documentary about the satellite photos on Google Earth, British teenager Rory McInnes decided to make his parents’ million-pound mansion stand out. And it sure did. He painted a 60-foot phallus on top of his parents’ newly finished flat roof. However, it was not discovered for a whole year until a helicopter pilot reported that he could see the image while flying by the house in Berkshire, England.


Attention Getters

Success in advertisement relies heavily on grabbing people’s attention, good placement and high visibility. These clever ads on buses really score in all of these categories.
Especially true for the current state of the global economy.
That’s one serious snack.
Just when you thought it was safe to get back on the bus…
It’s like an intervention on wheels.
Weight Watchers… or maybe it’s time to walk to work instead of take the bus.

Hide and Seek?

Alternative Weight Lifting

This 73 year-old Chinese man can hold 14 large bricks from the 5cm tumor located on his upper nose. Doctors refuse to remove the tumor due to its dangerous location. Despite the tumor and his age, the man is in very good health, thanks to his love of Kung Fu, which he has practiced since he was a child. He uses his weight lifting skills to train and earn money on the street.

Trees in Stitches

I know that trees always look cold on a blustery day, especially when they don’t have any leaves, this is a bit extreme…

I bet the tree pretended to love its new garment, and then tossed it into the rag pile when the gift giver wasn’t looking.

Many dining room tables are made from wood, but that doesn’t mean you should go around dressing trees like it’s time for Sunday dinner. That’s like asking someone to try on their funeral attire while they’re still thirty and healthy.

Recycled Cars

New car sales may be down, but that doesn’t mean that people are getting rid of their old vehicles once they stop working, rust out or go out of style. Here are some creative modes of transportation…

I don’t think this is what they meant when the kids requested a double-decker bus.

This lady should have been more specific when she told her husband she wanted a mobile home.

He should get rims that look like fans to keep this theme going.

No, there’s nothing weird or creepy about an old van covered in stuffed animals. Not at all.

See kids, I told you buying a boat in a land-locked area wasn’t a dumb idea.

One Piano You Cannot Move

Check out this amazing piano-shaped building in Huainan, Anhui providence, China.

The building will serve as the local Urban Planning Exhibition Hall, not, surprisingly, as the world’s largest replica of the foot piano from Big.

And, like me, if you were wondering how to get inside the piano building, just go through the giant glass-walled violin on the other side.


Gm And Segway's Two-Wheeler P.U.M.A. Project

Gm And Segway's Two-Wheeler P.U.M.A. Project

Mouse Mouse

Noahw DIY a real Mouse, Yes,Mouse Mouse, awesome! "Hacked travel-size (hardware) mouse + taxidermied (wetware) mouse = Mouse Mouse!"

Clever and Creative Shopping Bag Designs

Clever and Creative Shopping Bag Designs

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